Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Genturi Exhaust Systems for Dry-Camping at Nascar Races

So, earlier this year I did my 1st dry-camping excersise at Indianapolis, and am happy to report that all went smoothly!

I have never dry-camped before this time, but we did for a 2 day period earlier this year.

I am going to post some pictures and a detailed description of our Genturi-exhaust system that we installed and how it works, why you should have one, etc...

1. Purpose

What is the purpose of having a exhaust system anyways? Well the answer is an easy one, to get the exhaust gases into a controlled area away from the bottom of the coach and people sitting outside. Note to mention the huge safety benefit of keeping the CO2 gases from entering the coach.

I have seen a lot of different set-ups over the years, some half-cooked up, and some plain ingenious!

I especially liked one set up that ran about 50 feet of pipe on the ground, whatever works for you folks, just invest in something to make it more safer and enjoyable for all.


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