Wednesday, January 17, 2007

The Nascar Foundation Volunteer Network is very proud to become a member of this great organization and we look forward to participating in future efforts. One fundraiser that we are especially looking forward to are the charity track walks that they have planned. Today I had a chat with the staff at the Foundation and made them aware of all the activities that I sponsor on the infield at Daytona.

While to late for this year, they are planning on doing a track walk at Daytona for 2008 or 2009.

Through our membership and thousands of Nascar Fans that have visited this website, we will be making a major effort in getting the word out and trying to get as many people involved as we can.

If you have read the purpose of this website, you will have learned that Philanthropy is a major part of my life, and the biggest reason behind the building of this site.

It is my hope and dream that through the interaction that we all have and the growing family of fans and friends made through this site, that we can all band together and help the Foundation achieve its goals.

I personally will be making a large financial donation to the Nascar Foundation, and I urge others to give what they can.

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