Heres a picture of Big Ole Pig and Beerlifter at the Texas Spring race in 2007.
I dont know yet why the knickname " Big Ole Pig", but I just noticed the piggies on the necklaces, Mellissa, you must tell us the story behind these!
More pictures of all our members will be posted on our website that attended the race, thanks to all for getting together, and special thanks to Mellissa for organizing it all!
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The pig beads were just my little gift to all of the "forumers"...found them on line and thought they would be a riot!! Will have more come the fall race!!!
OH and the nickname "bigolepig" was out of sheer frustration...could not find a screen name that was available, and I was on a website that had avatars, and one was a Big Pig...so after striking out 3 or 4 times on a screen name...I tried "bigolepig" and it was available...and amazingly has been available at any site I sign up for...not too many people looking to have that name I suppose...plus it keeps the weirdos away.
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